All Episodes
Ep 127: TINK Positive!
Welcome to Episode 127 of Knit a Spell! This time around, Jim and I unraveled the concept of TINK-ing - thatās knit spelled backwards, for the uninitiated. We delved deep into the philosophical and metaphysical...
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Ep 126: Knit Gnomes (with Sarah Schira)
We dive into the topic of gnomes and why knitting them are so satisfying with our special guest, designer and podcast host of Imagined Landscapes: Sarah Schira! Katie and Jim talk with Sarah about how knitting entered...
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Ep 125: Bewitching Bobbles
This week on "Knit A Spell", the focus is on bewitching bobbles and their magical uses in knitting. Katie's special guest, Sasha Ogden, a fiber artist and owner of Skein Shop, joins her for an insightful conversation...
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Ep 124: Enchanted Cables
WeĀ revisit the topic of cables in knitting, exploring their magical and symbolic significance!
WeĀ discussed the various types of cables and their historical origins, such as the fisherman's knit sweater from the Isle...
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Ep 123: Getting Grounded with Garter
In this podcast episode of "Knit A Spell," hosts Katie Rempe and James Divine delve into the versatile world of garter stitch and its magical associations.Ā Starting with the simplicity and significance of garter...
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Ep 122: Hex Twisting (author Diana Rajchel)
This episode is PACKEDĀ with inspiring advise and storiesĀ thanks to our guest this week: author Diana Rajchel! Diana talks about her magical background, her new book Hex Twisting, andĀ why it was unfortunately...
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Ep 121: Casting On With Magic
This week Katie and JimĀ delve into the parallels between casting on a knitting project and casting a spell. They discuss the significance of release and intention in both activities, comparing casting on stitches in...
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Ep 120: What Is Cord Magic?
In this episode of Knit A Spell, Katie Rempe and James Divine kick off a new season by delving into the fascinating topic of cord and stitch magic. They catch up on their winter activities before diving into the...
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EP 119: How to Combine & Wear Color Magic
In the final episode of this season of Knit A Spell, hosts Katie Rempe and James Divine reflect on the theme of color magic. They discuss the significance of embracing colors, not taking them too seriously, and...
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Ep 118: The Magic of Colorblindness
In this episode of Knit A Spell, hosts Katie Rempe and James Divine delve into the magic of color deficiency, exploring the unique perspective of colorblindness. James Divine, who is colorblind, shares his experiences...
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Ep 117: Inspiring Creativity Through Magick (author Astrea Taylor)
Our final guest for this season of Knit A Spell is author, artist, and witch Astrea Taylor! We discuss Astrea's new book: Inspiring Creativity Through Magick, published by Llewellyn which covers an array of useful and...
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Ep 116: The Magic of White
In this episode of "Knit A Spell," host Katie Rempe explores the magic of the color white, while her co-host, Jim, takes the week off. White is a color that elicits a wide range of emotions and associations, from...
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