Ep 126: Knit Gnomes (with Sarah Schira)

Season #5

We dive into the topic of gnomes and why knitting them are so satisfying with our special guest, designer and podcast host of Imagined Landscapes: Sarah Schira! Katie and Jim talk with Sarah about how knitting entered her life during a much-needed time and how gnomes found their way into being her most beloved subject matter.

Sarah shares a story about her interaction with what might have been a real-live gnome, and Jim bonds with our guest over their mutual love of gnomes and how Jim found a book on the topic that influenced him forever.

Sarah reflect on how gnomes are a perfect project to learn and improve on knitting skills because they can be more easily seen as play instead of work. This is a wonderfully inspiring episode on how knitting and everything we do can carry intention!

Find out more about our amazing guest Sarah Schira below.




Gnome book Jim references: https://bookshop.org/a/84966/9781419769856





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Knit A Spell Podcast Website www.knitaspell.com

About Katie Rempe / Light From Lantern - www.LightFromLantern.com

About James Divine / Divine Hand Palmistry - www.TheDivineHand.com


Knit A Spell is produced by Light From Lantern LLC